Friday, 19 April 2013

Shirehampton Primary Gospel Choir's first performance!

Shirehampton Primary School Entrance

On Wednesday this week (17th April) an intrepid group of children from Shirehampton Primary collectively now known as the Shirehampton Primary Gospel Choir performed for the first time...ever!!! They were amazing!

We have been meeting over 7 sessions on Wednesday lunchtimes, each just 30 minutes long and in that time managed to learn words and actions for 3 songs. There were around 16 children who performed on Wednesday to the rest of their school...which is a lot of children! As they had never sung these songs in public before it was slightly daunting but they were all brilliant, sang their hearts out and made me very proud!

It has been a lot of fun getting to know the group, they came up with most of the actions for the songs themselves and even a new verse for one of the songs. We will now take a break over the Summer as Naomi won't be able to help Emma run it anymore. Emma hopes to find a helper for September so she can restart it this space!

1 comment:

  1. Well done to the Shirehampton Primary Gospel Choir.
