On Wednesday there was an unexpected turn of events when poor Geraldine was stuck in terrible traffic due to a river bursting its banks and a 50 mile journey ended up taking 4 and half hours! This meant that Em (who had been thinking she wouldn't be doing much that night!) ended up taking the whole evening but it was a joy and we raised the roof of the Beachley Walk Centre! Then we had a lovely hour munching on cake, cheese, crisps etc and sipping our tea. These "choir socials" are always a great chance for people to talk to people they haven't really talked to before.
The lovely Shirehampton GGCC family. |
Now well and truly in the last stages of rehearsals for our concerts, the songs are really coming together and everyone is up for working hard and making them sound the best they can. Solos and small groups are being finalised and next week we have Westbury GGCC social, followed by Easton GGCC the following week.
First concert is two weeks today!!!
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