So, I've just realised our first GGCC Spring concert is in two weeks! It's been such a thrill to see all three choirs really getting to grips with the songs and beginning to really enjoy the feeling of achievement they deserve to feel. When Geraldine, Naomi and I met at beginning of year to chose songs, none of us could've really known how perfect they would be in terms of the way the choir members would respond to them and how well they would fit together too. So, if you're going to come to one of our concerts you're in for a treat!!!
Last week was week 7 in the GGCC term and was the week when Geraldine finally taught the Westbury gang the song she's completely forgotten about! But hey they were true professionals and picked it up brilliantly. We also had our social at Easton GGCC on Thursday. Kym cooked us a feast...she truly has a gift that I don't have! We were also able to celebrate Janice's birthday...she gave a lovely speech too.
So, we're looking forward to our Westbury GGCC social on Tues, if I'm organised enough I'll take some pics and put them up on blog. If not, you'll just have to use imagination!!!
Shall make cake in the morning....... hopefully.