Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Thank you Westbury Baptist!

Well last night Westbury GGCC went on the road...up the road, down the hill and Westbury Baptist Church! We couldn't meet at Cairns so WBC came to our rescue. What a great night we had! Lovely building, great acoustics and top sound from the choir...even left Geraldine speechless! We now have just three rehearsals left before our concerts, but you know what, we're gonna be ready, especially if last night is anything to go by.

Looking forward to Shirehampton tonight and Easton tomorrow...we get to go to all three choirs and see how amazing they all are!

Oh and you'll be pleased to know I don't smell of sausages anymore!

1 comment:

  1. Thank goodness, you don't smell of sausages anymore.
    It was a great night wasn't it.
