Sunday, 27 November 2011

GGCC on the road!

Well, what a great week or so we've had. Wednesday we had a fabulous social at Shirehampton, another great spread of food, thanks so much to everyone and also to everyone who helped clear up!

Saturday, GGCC took Bristol by storm as 20 folk from the Easton & Westbury choirs sang at the St Werburgh's City Farm Christmas fair and a group from the Shirehampton choir sang at a Christening in North Bristol! Emma led at the City Farm and quite literally had to dodge smoke as they sang around the fire in the paddock! Everyone sang so well and gave lots of smiles at the same time, well done to all. Hope you enjoyed your free mulled wine! Geraldine led the Shirehampton crew at the Christening and Em hasn't had the lowdown from her yet so we'll maybe include that in a future post so watch this space. In the meantime, here's a pic of us at the city farm.

Looking forward to this week's rehearsals...first concert is only 10 days away now!

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

X Factor steals our song!!!

Ok, it's a bit of an exaggeration...they didn't "steal our song"! But Marcus Collins did happen to be singing "Higher" on Saturday night's show. Here's a link if you didn't see it Check out the choir moves by the way, maybe we could give them a try?!!

Looking forward to catching up with Westbury GGCC tonight, it's gonna be fab!

Enjoy rest of Tues!

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Meet the Westbury gang!

Well we thought it was only fair that we include a pic of the Westbury GGCC, so here they are:

It was their turn for a social last night and a fantastic spread was provided! Thanks so much to everyone who brought food and drink. Geraldine and Emma are finding it really tough that they are going to be at all three socials and get to eat all the yummy food!

We're really looking forward to the three choirs all meeting each other soon when we perform together in the concerts. But some might get to meet each other sooner as Westbury & Easton GGCC go on the road (yay!) and sing at the St Werbergh's City Farm Christmas fair on Sat 26th Nov. That same day the Shirehampton GGCC will be singing at the Baptism of one of their member's daughter (they don't know this yet, we'll tell them tonight!). It's so exciting when we get to share the fun of GGCC with others!

So, we have our first concert in three weeks time...gulp! Posters will be out by the end of today hopefully so you can all get inviting your friends and family. We can't wait!

Bye for now!

Friday, 11 November 2011

Week 6...the socials begin!

Well it's been an exciting rest of the week. Following the fun at Westbury Baptist on Tues we had fantastic rehearsals at Shirehampton and Easton. I tried to take some pics to capture something of our times...haven't quite done them justice but here's a peek into the life of the Shirehampton GGCC...prizes for anyone who can guess which song we're singing!

Working hard...

Then on Thursday Easton GGCC had their social...a yummy lunch prepared by one of their members Kym. After a good choir workout everyone was definitely ready to eat! Here's the Easton gang...

Geraldine is in there somewhere...prizes if you can spot her!!!

So, we hope you all have a great weekend, practising you "Lif" and "ting"s!!! Next week it'll be the turn of the Westbury gang to be on camera!

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Thank you Westbury Baptist!

Well last night Westbury GGCC went on the road...up the road, down the hill and Westbury Baptist Church! We couldn't meet at Cairns so WBC came to our rescue. What a great night we had! Lovely building, great acoustics and top sound from the choir...even left Geraldine speechless! We now have just three rehearsals left before our concerts, but you know what, we're gonna be ready, especially if last night is anything to go by.

Looking forward to Shirehampton tonight and Easton tomorrow...we get to go to all three choirs and see how amazing they all are!

Oh and you'll be pleased to know I don't smell of sausages anymore!