Friday, 14 October 2011

We have blog!

Well here it is, the official first GGCC blog. For those of you who have no idea who we are; we are the Gospel Generation Community Choir - GGCC for short. As the name suggests, we are a gospel choir, for all generations, a growing community within different communities in the wonderful city of Bristol.

We have three choirs, GGCC Easton, GGCC Shirehampton & GGCC Westbury Park. If you'd like any info on any of these choirs then email Emma .

We are now in week three of this term's rehearsals and we've already had so much fun!

The Westbury park gang have been enjoying the new carpet @ Cairns Road Baptist Church. The Easton gang have been crying out for "Help!" and the Shire gang have won the prize for sparkly eyes when singing!

What will happen next week?

1 comment:

  1. Great to see you have a blog!
    Joining the choir has been fantastic, great therapy in times of personal sadness.
    Each visit leave feeling uplifted and valued.
    Thanks to Geraldine and Emma.
    Happy blogging.
