So, it's now school half term...we had a beautiful bank holiday weekend but now the rain is back! But just before half term started we had the very first performance of the Summerhill Infants Gospel Choir!
Em getting the choir into place while parents watch on |
Explaining to the Mums, Dads and carers they were about to sing too!
For six weeks a group of 20 eager children from years 1 & 2 have been meeting after school on a Friday for an hour, taught by Emma and Marsha (Marsha is in Easton GGCC). In that time they managed to learn four songs, complete with actions and a lot of fun was had along the way! We wanted to show the parents and carers what we had been up to so had a short performance last Friday and even though is was the end of term, the children were tired (and so were the Mums and Dads!), we were given a real treat. They all sang so well, especially the duets and trio! There were quite a few nerves but they all had a go and sang beautifully. Several parents came and told us how much they enjoyed it. Everyone received a certificate and some sweets to take home with them.
We are planning term 2 of the choir which will resume the first Friday back. Em & Marsha need to find some new songs to teach now! Any ideas?!!