Friday, 15 March 2013

A Fitting End...And Beginning!

On Thursday 7th March the three GGCC choirs from Westbury Park, Shirehampton & Easton came together to celebrate 10 years of the adventure that is GGCC!

It was an evening full of emotion. We were treated to amazing performances of the 'best of' GGCC songs by all the choirs.

Geraldine shared how GGCC had started, with just one song 'Hold on' a decade ago, never dreaming we would be where we are now!

Geraldine warming the choirs up!
Emma explained how she had joined the GGCC family back in January 2007 and then how the Easton GGCC was launched in September 2009

We watched a video which captures a bit of the story of GGCC and we hear from choir members about why they like the choir. You can see this video by clicking here .

GGCC members watching themselves on the video

Nikky & Ju talked about how the Shire Choir had started in 2011 and how it has such a lovely family feel.

Shirehampton GGCC singing Lean on Me

It was also an evening to say goodbye. Firstly goodbye officially to the Westbury GGCC choir as this group won't be continuing after Easter. It has been a wonderful community these last 10 years where Geraldine, Naomi & Emma have all learned so much which has enabled them to take the GGCC dream out to other parts of Bristol. Lives have been touched and changed and we are so deeply thankful. We have invited all the Westbury GGCC to stay in the GGCC family and maybe join one of the other choirs.

We also had to say goodbye to our lovely Geraldine. Yes we'll still see her at the wedding and wedding rehearsals but this was out last GGCC concert with her. It seems impossible to imagine GGCC without her, what an inspirational, funny, talented, humble, Godly woman. She will be deeply missed. Geraldine's move to London means the end to the current GGCC team so it was very fitting that Em & Naomi sang 'I just can't give up now' with Geraldine again. This was a song that deeply impacted both them and many many other when they sang it in March 2012. 

Then after goodbyes it was time to say some hellos! A big hello to the new GGCC team...Heather Staley & Ruth Chandler who have both been part of Westbury GGCC for a while are joining Naomi & Emma to guide GGCC into the future. So they joined us to sing 'Shackles'...and we found a couple of men to join with us too! Thanks Mark & Rob!

To finish off the evening all three choirs sang 'Total Praise'...a favourite of Geraldine's. You can get an idea of how amazing it sounded by clicking here

And the evening wouldn't have been complete with another rendition of the amazing three spiritual medley! Yes Nobody knows, Steal Away & Swing Low Sweet Chariot all sung together, in harmony at the same time! Wow!!!

Before I sign off for now here are a few other pics...

Smiley GGCC!

Before the concert, warming up

Janice & Mearl from Easton GGCC

Marsha sings People Get Ready

A lot to be thankful for Geraldine!

That's it for now. Back soon!

Monday, 4 March 2013

Concert week!

Wow, this term has gone so fast! I cannot believe it's our big concert this week!

We are really looking forward to celebrating 10 wonderful years of GGCC with you and your friends/ get inviting if you haven't already! It'll be our last GGCC concert with Geraldine so we may need to have a few tissues handy...only the women of course!!!

It seems that new things are already opening up for GGCC without us having to try very hard! Emma & Naomi have started a Gospel Choir in Shirehampton Primary school recently. The first week was a bit manic with 34 children in a small space but the second was a dream with 15, lovely, attentive children. We had a lot of fun and they were full of good ideas for how we could do things. We are meeting on a Wednesday during lunchtime, only 30 minutes and it races past. We are going to perform the songs we've done in a school assembly before Easter.

If you want to take a look at the what the head of Cabot Primary school had to say about our visit before half term and see another pic then visit . We recently received some lovely letters from some of the children there, thanking us for our visit. Quotes include:

"I am sorry to say but I thought old people were boring but now I realised they are talented"

"When I am older I think I will try and make a choir with lots of old, middle and young aged people"

"I really want to thank you you inspired me and all of Cabot"

"It made me feel an emotion inside me"

"I loved it when you were smiling and singing"

Really lovely to hear from the children isn't it?

Well better get on with concert preparations! See you all there!